«Night of arts» took place in Primorye’s art gallery

«Night of arts» took place in Primorye’s art gallery

Exhibitions, plays and thematic events were held all over Primorye. Vladivostok has joined the All-Russian project for the 7th time. The main place of the «Night» became Primorye’s art gallery. 

This year, the guests of «Night of arts» got a chance to experience three different branches of art - music, theatre and painting. 

Everyone can witness this season’s main attraction of the gallery - Botticelli’s «Madonna della Loggia», the permanent exhibit of Uffizi Gallery, that was transported to Vladivostok for the 5th Easter Economical Forum this year. 

This Wednesday Primorye’s citizens have the last opportunity to see the Renaissance’s relic. After the exhibition, the painting will be transported to Saint-Petersburg. 

新闻来源: www.vestiprim.ru
