«Volunteers of the Victory» in Primorye

«Volunteers of the Victory» in Primorye

Primorye is looking for volunteers who will help with organising and holding various events related to the Year of memory and glory. More than 300 people have already signed up for organising patriotic actions, meetings, festive ceremonies and exhibitions. 

In total, more than 100 thousand of volunteers are planned to be included into the organisation of events related to the 75th anniversary of the end of the World War II. The activists will not only organise important events but will help many residents of the country. They will be helping with accomplishment of historical sights and taking care of the veterans. 

Anyone willing to participate in the action needs to create an account on волонтерыпобеды.рф. All of the necessary information is already available on the website. 

新闻来源: www.vestiprim.ru
