« Business is losing money » : QR codes change the work of cultural facilities of Vladivostok

« Business is losing money » : QR codes change the work of cultural facilities of Vladivostok

The leisure time of the locals today is determined by the presence of a QR code. No vaccination - no cultural education.

It has been exactly a month since it has become mandatory to have a QR code to visit cultural facilities of the region. The rules do not apply to Primorians under 18 years of age yet. And the residents of the region are divided into two camps.

"In general it's a good idea that they check because the virus is no joke, but walking around in a mask is more useful because they're finding how to get around it all so far."

"What is democracy? It's freedom of choice, and right now that freedom doesn't exist."

新闻来源: www.vestiprim.ru
