In the Gorky library hold anniversary of Primorye - new books and creative competition among readers

In the Gorky library hold anniversary of Primorye - new books and creative competition among readers

For the anniversary of the region was portraits in stories and photos exhibition.

These days the main theme of library activities is the life of wonderful countrymen.

Gorky library exhibition the main theme is the Yankovsky - pioneers of Primorye.

“From Sidimi to California ”- a photo album about a famous family was published with the help of Russian American Orr Chistyakov, the great-grandson of businessman Mikhail Yankovsky and son of poet Victoria Yankovsky.

The fates of outstanding contemporaries are collected in the book by Natalia Ostrovskaya “My and our Vladivostok”. Famous Primorye composer Alexander Goncharenko also visit Gorkovka library.

The most massive library event for the 80th anniversary of the region was a competition of creative works called “We are Primorye”.

For four months residents of 28 cities and towns, adults and children wrote stories about famous compatriots, about those from whom we must take an example. The symbol of the competition is the lighthouse.

"Strong character", "Chronicler of a small country", "For the preservation of traditions"

Almost two hundred stories about seamen, teachers, workers were read by the library staff.

All participants received awards.

The authors received diplomas and valuable prizes from the regional administration and philanthropists.

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