Recreation zones of Primorye may become the epidemic centers

Recreation zones of Primorye may become the epidemic centers

Recreation zones that were allowed to reopen after the self isolation regime refuse respecting new  the restrictive measures created by Rospodrebnadzor.  However, the risk of coronavirus’ spreading is very high in the region. The administrative commission observe the respect of all of the measures. 

During the expert’s visits in several recreation zones of the region, the facilities turned out to be not ready for such visit. Many recreation zones simply do not follow the newly prescribed restrictive measures. Dozens of violations were exposed. 

The risk of infection is very high now. Tourist from all over the country come to Primorye in the summertime. The total population of the three most popular resorts of Primorye Zarubino, Andreevka and Vityaz bay is 5000 people. But during the holidays the population grows to 150 000, so the administrative commissions visit the various recreation centers daily. 


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