A trip to a New Year’s fairytale: Vladivostok prepares for the holidays

A trip to a New Year’s fairytale: Vladivostok prepares for the holidays

Vladivostok gets ready to welcome 2022. The streets of the city are being decorated with festive illuminations and nine fur trees have been already installed in different parts of the city. The works are also in progress on the main square of the city where the main festivities will take place. The main twenty-eight-meters long fur tree is being installed there. It will be decorated with beautiful bubbles, lights and figures. 

Also in the near future the installation of the New Year's town will begin. This year, the organizers will recreate the atmosphere of a New Year's fairy tale.

The citizens will be greeted by "Alley of Nutcrackers", next to it there will be "Santa Claus House", as well as various LED art objects, photo zones and play areas.

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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