The medal on the 100th anniversary of the red Army handed the veteran of the great Patriotic Pavel Evstratenko.

The medal on the 100th anniversary of the red Army handed the veteran of the great Patriotic Pavel Evstratenko.

One hundred years of the workers 'and peasants' red Army noted in Russia. In its ranks were ordinary people, including Susanna Paul Evstratenko. In the Great Patriotic war, he participated in landmark battles in the Soviet Union.
Paul Ustranena the first education radio telegraphist. She says she knew that this civil profession will help him in the war. He was drafted in 1942. He trained as a gunner, and a year later went to the front. August 15, 1943, in the ranks of the 16-th guards division Paul evstafievich frees Karachi. Next goes to the protection of Belarus.
Pavel Evstratenko, veteran of the great Patriotic war: "Summer, prepared, of course, the army is not bad for fighting, the onslaught was very powerful on the first day, with difficulty, of course, we are at night at dawn, we liberated the city of Orsha."
For the liberation of the city of Orsha Paul evstafievich got my first medal "For courage". Now a veteran recalls how his infantry had gone through a bloody path of victory.
Pavel Evstratenko, the veteran of the great Patriotic war: "on Minsk highway, heat, on the left and on the right the army broken, the German equipment and Germans captured...»
Paul evstafievich participated in the liberation of Lithuania and East Prussia. From 9 to 10 April '45th year stormed Koenigsberg. He met the victory on the fields of Prussia. In the day of the century red Army, to congratulate the veteran came to his relatives and friends.

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