"Analog" is being replaced by "digit": Primorye will tell you what means letter "A".

In Primorye, the " analogue "is gradually replaced by the"figure". It is planned to switch off analog broadcasting before the end of this year. In this regard, the Russian broadcasting network together with Federal channels began to mark the analog signal with a special letter "A". Why did liter appear on television?

Interference, image overlays and other troubles associated with poor signal reception, for most Primorye people in the past, along with analog broadcasting. Television equipment in more than 90% of the population of the region takes a digital format. And yet some viewers continue to watch broadcasts in analog format, unaware that his days are numbered! RTRS employees decided to bring this to all residents of Primorye, adding a special letter to the channel logos.

Evgeny Ponomarev, head of the support center of the branch of RTRS "Primorskiy KRTPC": "Many people think that they are watching a figure, but in fact they are watching analog broadcasting. If you see the letter "A" next to the logo, it means that you are watching analog television, which will not be available in a few months."

News source: www.vestiprim.ru

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