In Vladivostok was held kudo competition

In Vladivostok was held kudo competition
More than 140 Vladivostok athletes participated in the kudo competition. For new players is a great opportunity to compete with experienced players. This is city competition, but among the participants there are winners of national and international competition.

DENIS SIVOPLIYAS, the main judge of the competition, the leader of the Vladivostok kudo Federation: "Here we are organizing competition between beginners. Now our athletes are preparing to take a part in the whole Russia championship in the end of February . And today you can see the sportsmen who willl take part in it". 

Today SERGEY FENKIV the first time participating in the kudo competition. He has done this kind of sport for several years, but only now decided to take part in the competition. Sergey won two fights, but finally has lost to clubmate.

SERGEY FENKIV: "For me the experience is the most important thing. I have done this kind of sport for several years, but never take part in the competition, So I do not have much experience in it. I'm very glad to take a part in today's competition. But the level of competition is very high�.

DANIIL MARCHENKO, 12 years old sportsmen is satisfied with his achievement. He won Vladivostok city competition today. 

MARCHENKO DANIIL: "Today�s competition was very difficult, but I just need to become a winner. For me the first and the second fight were the most difficult. I aim to win and then go to Region competition. After it I can go to the whole Russian kudo competition. When I will be 16 years of old, I would like to take a part in the world kudo competition. And to become a champion."

Athletes won 29 prizes today. The winners of the competition will present the Vladivostok city in the end of the March in Lesozavodsk city.

News source: "�����:��������" [ ]

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