Economy of Primorye region is point of its growth

Before becoming the owner of this farm, a resident of Luchigorsk Elena Frolova didnt have a job. But now on the north of the region woman opened her own farm. And now she proudly shows to us eleven children of the Belgian rabbit named by Petro. Petrukha gave birth to lot of rabbits, and they even were sold in the surrounding villages to breed. In order to open her own business, Elena Frolova got a start-up capital - a subsidy from the regional budget for 58 thousand rubles. Specialists of employment center helped her to write a business plan and register the farm.
Elena Frolova, an owner of the farm: "Government helped me a lot, they give me an amount of money, I bought a young growth, though not too much ... Also I spend the money for rabbits food, for the documents. Now I would like to buy a lumber, build a warm room ... "
Valery Ozhiganov, a head of administration of the municipal Krasnoarmeysky district: "These products are very popular in the market and will be sold very quickly. Especially in the kindergartens, schools, where the dietary meat is very good for growing children. "
At the same time Valery has another rabbit, named Helena, she has color of Siamese cat. She came from California. Four days ago she born several small rabits.
Their favorite rabbit named by Kolya, his is the opposite of Judy, very affectionate, after a couple of months he can compete with Petrukha.
In Primorsky region lieutenant colonel for three years has developing its own farm. This year the lieutenant raised 100 thousand salmon.
Viktor Gubarev before was the flagship captain. But three years before he opened his own farm.
There are cows, sheep, pigs, geese, chickens, horses and rabbits in his farm. Except of this lieutenant grow up vegetables. North koreans and uzbeks are working in this farm. There are 50 rabbits, 200 sheep, 300 chickens, 50 geese in the farm. In addition, farmers will build fish farm to raise 100 thousand salmon.
Victor Gubarev, head of individual farm: "We are growing young fish in plastic tubs. This is quite a profitable business. Its width is 10.3, length is 5.5 m and height is 1.5.By the winter it can grow to 630-700 grams. "
Victor Gubarev, head of individual farm: "I would like to do much more, but I need the help. I plan to build a plant for the processing of milk and meat. If the state will help me, I can feed a half of Vladivostok. "
During a visit to Primorye Region Minister ofAgriculture Alexander Tkachev told about new preferences for agricultural producers. First of all, sincethe 1stof July 1, credit rates should be reduced to 5%. Government support for the small farms development should be increase twice. The most important is the provision of lands to farmers. Peasants requirements of the participation in federal programs such as the "family farm", "New Farmer", and others will be simplified. Introduced raising factors for co-financing of state support measures for the Far East. For example, 25 percent of the costs offset in the construction of greenhouses, dairies and vegetable stores, and on the creation and modernization of dairy breeding and genetic centers - 35 percent.
Alexander Tkachev, the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation: "In fact, the whole country is looking for you now. Far East is perspective area for investment. Here it is concentrated a lot of government projects as special economic zones, territories of the economic development, privileges and preferences for investors. And, as a result, a lot of serious and powerful companies of agro-industrial complex field come to the Primorye Region. "
Primorye Region government supports farmers to open their own farm, so their number is constantly growing. In 2016 more than three billion rubles is planned to be allocated from the regional budget to support agriculture in Primorye Region. The main areas of subsidies for rural residents - technological modernization and animal production. Especially that the residents of villages are charging new and promising areas of rearing domestic animals. For example, in the village of Lenino village in the Chugugevskiy district farmers rear sheep.
Vasily Kiselev is native person of village. The idea to build a house and open a farm he got in 15 years. Farm has four grown sons. Recently decided to feed sheep, are planning make the big farm.
Vasily Kiselev, the owner of a farm: "Now we are solding the question to the land, administration Chuguevsky district promised that until June 1 the land rented by me."
The land is necessary for the pasture development . Now there is about 80 sheep in the farm. There is also farm building for animals, but the space is clearly not enough. Therefore this winter had already been losses of young animals - lambs is not enough air. Cultivation of sheep in the conditions of Primorye climate requires observance of specific rules. If the outside temperature is above zero, the flock should drive to the back yard. Here, the sheep choose tasty hay, also they are eating salt and soy brooms.
Alexander Kiselev, the son of the owner of farmstead: "In the morning and evening we give sheep to eat hay and water. Sheep are divided into two parts: a small part is in the barn, a big part is in the abb.
Meanwhile Kiselev family start the pigs cultivation. The first batch is forty heads of animals. The villagers sure that the products should be good quality.
Dmitry Ruzaikin, the supervisor, the son of a farm owner: "Sheep has certain feeding. We always cook for them the grain or mixed fodder, and pumpkin. "
Now plans Kiselev family have plans to begin the construction of temporary farm, establish new buildings, fenced territory, and create the right conditions for the growth of animals. They expects that, local authorities will not ignore their new farm in Chuguevskiy region.
When in December of 2015 the villagers sumed up the year, they mentioned that typhoon "Goni" didnt make a poor impression to the whole year. There are good growth rates in the agriculture field of Primorye Region. Double the population of milch herd dairy increase two times. There are much more pigs, sheep and goats. Next year in the Primorsky Region will be two big dairy farming companies. Municipalities can help everybody e who would like to be engage in agriculture. Create family farms and cooperatives.
Sergei Sidorenko, vice-governor of Primorye Region: "We aim to involve the economically active people in our program. Good private farming can be a good farmer. "
This year from middle of March on the whole territory of Primorye Region was warm air temperature. And the villagers already begun to do spring-field works. This year farms of Primorsky Region bought mineral fertilizer 80% more than in the 2015 year. Also they made a good fuel stock for the machinery. Primorye sowing area ?should increase to thirty thousand hectares. In 2015 year the village workers made a good start for the harvest of 2016 year. In Primorye region the first time in the last ten years has been tilled more than 200 thousand hectares of the winter tillage. The main crops is soybeans. In the past four years in Primorye region the area of ??rice crops has increased 2.5 times and became 23 thousand hectares.
This year Primorie region will provide vegetable production. By the way, in the last year delivery of potato from China to Primorye significantly fell down. Primorsky Region significantly increases import substitution for the all agricultural products. So now local farms are making their plans with the intention that the big part of the Primorye products of will go for export. For example, in Korea, Japan and China there is a big demand for the Primorye corn.
The regional center of the coordinating support of export-oriented small and medium business subjects helps companies to take their products to the foreign markets. For example, Ussuri farmers has sent to South Korea more than 500 tons of corn and soybeans. Foreigners interested in Russian production, because it is considered to be ecologically clean and do not contain GMO crops. In some places we can collect about 50 quintals of corn or soybeans per hectare.
Valentin Karpenko, a consultant of agricultural production: "In order to be engaged in animal breeding we must have our own food. It is much cheaper. And for the past three years our company engaged in animal housing. So animals feed is enough for now, and it can affect to our productivity. "
Stanislav Kan, General Director of "Bogatyrka" company: "We are telling to foreign people abroad that Russian products are ecologically clean, does not contain GMOs. We hope that if we will increase our production in the same way, next few years Russian production can take a good place in the international market. "
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